Performing Arts Legacy Project

An online platform to document and represent the careers of older performing arts professionals

Copy and Paste

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  4. Copy and Paste

Not sure how to copy and paste text? See below for some step-by-step tutorials.

Click the headings below for more on the topic.

Right Click
  1. Click and drag the cursor until the text you want to copy is highlighted.
  2. Release your cursor and right click.
  3. Left click “Copy.”
  4. Go to the page you’d like to paste the text in.
  5. Click the cursor where you’d like the text to go.
  6. Right click to see “Paste” and left click “Paste.”

If you have a newer mouse that doesn’t differentiate between left and right clicks:

  1. Click and drag the cursor until the text you want to copy is highlighted.
  2. Release your cursor.
  3. With your left hand, hold “Control” on your keyboard, and with your right hand, click “copy.” This is the equivalent of “right clicking.”
  4. Go to the page you’d like to paste the text in.
  5. Click the cursor where you’d like the text to go.
  6. With your left hand, hold “Control” on your keyboard, and with your right hand, click “paste.”
Menu Bar
  1. Click and drag the cursor until the text you want to copy is highlighted.
  2. Release your cursor.
  3. Click “Edit” on your menu bar (the bar the top of your computer screen).
  4. Click “Copy”
  5. Go to the page you’d like to paste the text in.
  6. Click the cursor where you’d like the text to go.
  7. Click “Edit” on your menu bar.
  8. Click “Paste.”
On Your Keyboard
For PCs:
  1. Click and drag the cursor until the text you want to copy is highlighted.
  2. Release your cursor.
  3. At the same time, hold down the Control (Ctrl) and C
  4. Go to the page you’d like to paste the text in.
  5. Click the cursor where you’d like the text to go.
  6. At the same time, hold down the Control (Ctrl) and V
For Macs:
  1. Click and drag the cursor until the text you want to copy is highlighted.
  2. Release your cursor.
  3. At the same time, hold down the Command and C
  4. Go to the page you’d like to paste the text in.
  5. Click the cursor where you’d like the text to go.
  6. At the same time, hold down the Command and V
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