Performing Arts Legacy Project

An online platform to document and represent the careers of older performing arts professionals

Sitewide: Keywords

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  4. Sitewide: Keywords

When creating your site, you may want to add keywords or “tags” to your post. This addition will allow researchers to see summary words associated with your name when they research for you in search engines like Google.

Click the headings below for more on the topic.

Adding Keywords to Mapping the Legacy
  1. Go to the entry you’d like to add keywords to, or create an entry for the event you’d like to associate with keywords.
    1. For review on how to add or edit an entry, please review this relevant article.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the form.
  3. Two sections above the Submit or Update button, you’ll see “Tags/Keywords.” In the space below, add the the word or phrase you’d like to add.
  4. On the right hand side, next to the bar you just added text to, you’ll see a + sign. Click on that.
  5. Another bar will appear underneath. If you’d like to add more words or phrases, repeat Steps 3 +4.
  6. To delete a line of text, click the – button on the right hand side (next to the +).
  7. Please note before you leave that you must click the + in order for the word or phrase to be added.
  8. When you’re done, click the blue Submit or Update button on the bottom.
Adding Keywords to Highlights
  1. Click on the Highlight you’d like to add the keyword(s) to.
  2. Click on the Post Settings button:
  3. About halfway down, you’ll see “Tags.” Type in the word you’d like.
  4. If you’d like to add more than one word, hit the space bar on your keyboard and continue typing.
  5. When you’re done, click the Save button on the bottom right.
Adding Keywords to Look/Listen
  1. Click on the Look/Listen tab on the black bar on your site.
  2. Click on the Post Settings button:
  3. About halfway down, you’ll see “Tags.” Type in the word you’d like.
  4. If you’d like to add more than one word, hit the space bar on your keyboard and continue typing.
  5. When you’re done, click the Save button on the bottom right.

«Creating and Adding a Page to the Menu Bar
»About Page: Add an “Alert” or Notice

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