Performing Arts Legacy Project

An online platform to document and represent the careers of older performing arts professionals

Working with a Cohort or Solo

There are three main ways in which you can create a PAL site: in a cohort, on your own, or in “PAL Independent.” Learn the difference below.


A cohort is a group of around 8-10 Professionals who work with an organization to create their site over the course of 10-14 weeks. As a group, they attend class and work with Fellows, or paid interns provided by the organization, to learn how to create and publish their site.

PAL operates in a safe space. Information, stories, essays, blogs and expressions shared in cohort sessions are considered private within the context of PAL, until published on the PAL site. An important part of PAL is sharing as we create. Reading blogs, showing highlights, sharing challenges and triumphs with your cohort give us a collegial community.

Examples include cohorts with The Entertainment Community Fund, Los Angeles Inner City Cultural Center, and HB Studio.


For those with interest in creating a site, but aren’t working with an organization. Professionals working in this way can hire an intern or have a working partner such as a spouse, family member, or colleague work with them to create and publish their site.

PAL Independent

A new group coming in 2023, PAL Independent is a hybrid of a cohort and solo work. Professionals will work independently with a Fellow they hire or a working partner such as  a spouse, family member, or colleague to create and publish their site. Once a month, the Professional will gather with a small group of Professionals working in a similar way to hold each other accountable to progressing on their site.

This program is great for those committed to creating their work but who need accountability and guidance to stay on track and/or have the desire to be in a cohort but can’t commit to the time needed to be in class for 14 weeks.  As with a cohort, PAL Independent operates as a safe space and any content or stories shared in the monthly group stays in the group.

Please Note: Regardless of how a Professional creates a site (cohort, solo, or PAL Independent) and who they have assisting them (Fellow, intern, working partner, etc.), Professionals are responsible for organizing memorabilia, typing Grid entries, providing rights clearance information, obtaining permissions for materials they upload to their sites. Sites will be checked for copyright, privacy and defamation before they are finalized. This is to ensure that artists respect other artists. Click here to access the Clearing Rights section of the Contributor Manual for further details.