Performing Arts Legacy Project

An online platform to document and represent the careers of older performing arts professionals

Clearing Rights

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  2. Contributor Manual
  3. Rights & Credits
  4. Clearing Rights

Please review our PowerPoint to introduce you to Legal Rights and then check out our Guide to Clearing Rights, which explains your legal responsibilities as a contributor to the PAL site. 

“Clearing Rights” is a tool to keep track of whether you have secured permission to publish the content on your site, and the information you enter here will not be published on your site — it is for internal tracking purposes only.

Please Note: We will review uploaded materials to ensure proper permissions have been requested and reserve the right to delete unauthorized content.

Click the headings below for more on the topic.

Mapping the Legacy Clearing Rights

When you add a grid entry, you will notice there is a section entitled “Memorabilia / Files.” In this section you can upload one or more media files, enter details about those files (such as credits or titles) which will be published on the site, and input “Clearing Rights” to those files.

If you have information about the rights holder and the status of your permission to publish media at the time you create your entry, click “Add File” in the media rights section and you will see a second form appear (a “form within a form”) — complete this form for each file or image you upload.

Highlights and Curated Life Review Clearing Rights

Permissions may also need to be obtained for Highlights and Curated Life Review videos if there is media that is not created and owned by you, the Professional. To document these rights see “Viewing All Clearing Rights” below.

Highlights Clearing Rights Alternative Method: Handwritten or Typed

Conversely you can keep track of clearing rights in an Excel or Google Drive spreadsheet if you prefer to type or handwrite.


Please Note: If you choose to go the spreadsheet route, you will need to email or scan your document for our review.

Viewing All Clearing Rights

You can always circle back to the media rights clearing information:

  1. Hover over “Mapping the Legacy” on the black bar on your site.
  2. Move your mouse down over “Clearing Rights” and click.

Here you will see a table of any media rights info you have previously entered — and, like the grid, you may add a new entry anytime, or click an existing entry to view and edit the details. If you scroll down, you will see a form to add new files and details.

Here is a 5-minute tutorial video illustrating how to document media clearing rights info for any documents, images or videos you attach to a grid entry.:

For additional resources such as a template letter to request clearing rights, a template agreement to confirm permission (especially if you are given verbal permission and need it to be documented), and/or a form for a photograph license, please visit the Securing Permissions section of Reference Materials.

«Captions and Credits
»Curated Life Review: Using Background Music

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