Chapter / SubheadingWriter/performer
Medium / GenreTheater
Production / Project / ActivityChop-Shop Theater
Name of Theatre / Venue / VehicleTheater for the New City
About the Theatre / Venue / Vehicle

Theater for the New City created a cabaret-style in-person venue called Chop-Shop-Theater when the pandemic hit. Turning their load-in entrance into a mini-theater with stage lights and sound, they began weekly "Open Tho Shut" performances for onlookers on the sidewalk, masked and following social distance protocol. Every Saturday afternoon for an hour, actors and musicians performed. I waited until I received the vaccination (both doses) to perform. I adapted a short piece from the journal I began when in isolation at home. The piece is about my grandmother stranded in Ukraine with four children, including my father, It also is about my own thoughts and feelings while stranded during the 21st century plague. "A Journey through War and Plague".
On the link, scroll down to 4-10-21. My piece begins at 17:45

CityNew York, NY
Function / Type of JobWriter/performer
Important People
Notes / Anecdotes

Following my presentation, I went outside to watch the remaining performers from the sidewalk. A woman with two children approached me to tell me how excited her son was listening to my piece. They were from Ukraine and it was the first time he saw or heard anything onstage about his home country. They asked to take photos with me.

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Details / Credits
Title / Description Credits Additional Notes (Medium, Location, etc)
Post-performance photos photos by Julia Stepanova
Link (1)
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From Julia Stepanova:
Thank you Barbara for the amazing story.
Herman, Max and Adriana were impressed by it!

My performance is on 4-10-21 at 17:45 minutes

Permission and WaiverYes

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