Chapter / SubheadingActing Musical
Medium / GenreTheater
Production / Project / ActivityGrave Diggers of 1971
Name of Theatre / Venue / VehicleLa MaMa E.T.C.
CityNew York, NY
Function / Type of JobActor/co-author
RoleBrenda Farrell, star reporter
Awards / DistinctionsProducer: Ellen Stewart. Star: Butterfly McQueen
Important People
Important PeopleEllen Stewart, producer and Butterfly McQueen, star
PlaywrightRay Hagen and Barbara Kahn
DirectorRandy Barcelo
ComposerJean Campbell and Norman Peterson
Notes / Anecdotes

The Amazing Butterfly McQueen starred in this production--my first play.
Every night Ellen Stewart would ring her bell and announce,
"Welcome to La MaMa E.T.C., dedicated to the playwright and all aspects of the theater."
GAF company gave me a free camera and rolls of film so my character, a reporter, could take actual photographs , and they developed them for me. The color snaps were taken during performances.

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Details / Credits
Title / Description Credits Additional Notes (Medium, Location, etc)
Sets Daffi and Bill Sullivan
Costumes Randy Barcelo
Musicians Accompanists Jean Campbell, Norman Peterson, Paul Shnug, Barry Sigel
Stage manager Rene Savich
Cast Reigh Hagen, Barbara Kahn, Roberta Rickett, Marilyn Roberts, Joe Regalbuto, Owen Campbell, Ella Luxembourg, William Herter and Miss Butterfly McQueen.
Additional Notes

I played Brenda Farrell, girl reporter in this spoof. GAF, a now defunct camera manufacturer, gave me a free camera, rolls of film and free developing. There are color photos attached that are taken onstage during performances as well as some offstage photos of Miss McQueen.

Reflections / Significant Moments

No matter how much we resisted, Butterfly McQueen insisted on addressing us as Miss Barbara, Mister Ray and Mister Randy. We always addressed her as Miss McQueen, showing her the respect she earned from a long and sometimes difficult career. Years later, I cast a young woman named Adrienne Powell in one of my plays. She reminded me a bit of Butterfly McQueen. I asked her if she would be interested in playing Miss McQueen if I wrote a play about her. The result was "Women of the Wind" my play about three women involved in the making of the movie "Gone With the Wind." Adrienne was a wonderful Butterfly cast as Prissy. She later went on to graduate school.

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Tags / Keywords
  • Spoof, Butterfly McQueen, La MaMa, Ellen Stewart, horror movie spoof, movie musical spoof
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