Chapter / SubheadingActing
Medium / GenreTheater
Production / Project / ActivityGabriella/Playstreet
Name of Theatre / Venue / VehicleBastiano's Playwrights Workshop
About the Theatre / Venue / Vehicle

Located in a loft at the corner of 23rd Street and 7th Avenue in Manhattan. As was the custom before Actors Equity instituted the Showcase Code, a basket was passed around the audience to collect donations to pay the actors.

CityNew York, NY
Function / Type of Joboffstage voice
Rolemovie soundtrack (uncredited), neighbor (uncredited)
Important People
PlaywrightTed Harris
DirectorRon Link
Notes / Anecdotes

I played a character in a simulated movie soundtrack. "Hey, sailor, wanna buy a pretty girl a drink?" I was off stage and spoke almost touching the mic, so my voice had the scratchy sound of an old movie. After one performance, someone questioned the author Ted Harris. "What movie was that from?" Teddy called out to me and introduced me to Don Kvares. I got a role without auditioning in Don's play Modern Statuary. In Playstreet, I played a nosy neighbor, dressed in a housedress and my hair in curlers.

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Tags / Keywords
  • Ted Harris, Ron Link, Off-Off Broadway
Permission and WaiverI'm not sure, please contact me to review

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