Chapter / SubheadingActing
Medium / GenreTheater
Production / Project / ActivityGive My Regards to Off Off Broadway
Name of Theatre / Venue / VehicleLa MaMa
About the Theatre / Venue / Vehicle

A legendary Off Off Broadway theater, founded a half century ago by Ellen Stewart.

CityNew York, NY
Function / Type of JobActor
RoleMaggie Domenica
Important People
Important PeopleMaeve Maguire, Lucy Silvay, Richard Portnow, Elsa Tresko, Olivia Golden, Warren Pincus, Dorothy Russell, Connie Smith, Donna Williams, Bary Woloski, Ellen Stewart and others.
PlaywrightTom Eyen
DirectorRon Link
ComposerWalter Harris
Notes / Anecdotes

This play was an homage to Off Off Broadway. It followed Ellen Stewart's settlement with Actors Equity. Choreographed by Don Price, Sets by Saito, Lights by Lee Levine, Costumes by Paul Hamlin, Jewelry by Kenneth Jay Lane.

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Details / Credits
Title / Description Credits Additional Notes (Medium, Location, etc)
Photo credit: Jim Gossage
Reflections / Significant Moments

Director Ron Link who was bunking with me (between apartments) decided I should be blonde for this production. I insisted I wanted to see first if I liked it. So Ron, a friend Bob Heide and I went to the only 24-hour drugstore in Manhattan at that time (at 50th & Lex) and bought a rinse, or so they claimed. I could wash it out if I didn't like it. They lied. Back at my apartment, they washed my hair with the "rinse" and when I looked, it was a weird orange color. They admitted they had bleached my hair and now had to add the blonde toner. I was furious at the deception, but when they finished, I actually liked it very much. I stayed a blonde for almost 2 years, until I noticed my hair was getting thinner. It has never grown back to the thickness it was before bleaching.

Tags / Keywords
  • Tom Eyen, Ron Link, Maeve Maguire, Lucy Silvay, La MaMa, Ellen Stewart
Permission and WaiverYes

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