Chapter / SubheadingActing Early Career
Medium / GenreTheater
Production / Project / ActivityModern Statuary
Name of Theatre / Venue / VehiclePlaywrights Workshop Club
About the Theatre / Venue / Vehicle

Located in a loft at 23rd St. & 7th Ave. in Manhattan. The venue was run by 'ntony Bastiano (sic). We passed the basket for contributions afterward.

CityNew York, NY
Function / Type of JobActor
Important People
PlaywrightDon Kvares
DirectorTed Harris
Notes / Anecdotes

My first leading role in New York City. Poster design by Lyn "Ander" Andersen. I was onstage throughout, but after the initial 10 minutes, my character was "frozen" in place (modern statuary). The night my family came from out of town to see my performance, they came late! I think they felt I performed well while standing perfectly still for nearly an hour. I had to be careful to stop in a comfortable standing position when I 'froze' to avoid cramping. On the night a reviewer attended, I was in a comfortable standing position but my head was tilted too high and I was looking into the light. I wore contact lenses, and my eye teared. A critic (Show Business), however, saw the entire performance and remarked on the 'great depth' I showed(see the attached review).

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  • Leading role
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