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Richard Masur
Richard Masur has starred in more than 55 feature films, including Who’ll Stop the Rain, Risky Business, My Girl, Heaven’s Gate, Forget Paris, Heartburn, Under Fire, and most recently Tumbledown and Don’t Think Twice.
He has appeared in over 45 television films, three of which—Adam, Fallen Angel and The Burning Bed (Emmy Nomination)—are among the top-ten rated TV movies of all time, Other television movie credits include roles in HBO’s much-heralded And The Band Played On, Showtime’s Hiroshima, and HBO’s 61*. Masur has also starred in numerous popular TV series, including The Hot l Baltimore, One Day at a Time, Rhoda, Empire, Picket Fences, and guest starred on countless TV comedy and drama series over 4 decades, including HBO’s Bored To Death, and Girls, and most recently has been recurring on CBS’ The Good Wife, TV Land’s Younger, Netflix’ Orange is the New Black, and Amazon’s Red Oaks and Transparent.
He has appeared on Broadway in the Tony nominated productions of David Storey’s The Changing Room, Nora Ephron’s Lucky Guy, and Michael Frayne’s Democracy; some of his Off-Broadway credits include: The Exonerated; MTC’s world premiere of Sarah, Sarah, by Daniel Goldfarb; The Public Theatre’s production of The Ruby Sunrise; Playwrights Horizon’s world premiere of a feminine ending by Sarah Treem; the New Group’s production of Mike Leigh’s 2000 Years; Make Me, by Leslie Ayvazian at the Atlantic; Roger Rosenblatt’s The Oldsmobile’s at The Flea; Charles Busch’s Olive and The Bitter Herbs at Primary Stages; and Fetch Clay, Make Man by Will Power at the McCarter and the NY Theater Workshop.
He is also a Directors Guild and Academy Award nominated director.
Masur served as National President, VP and Board member of Screen Actors Guild and was also a Board member of SAG-AFTRA. He is a Trustee on the SAG Pension Plan and the SAG-AFTRA Health Plan and has been a member of the National Film Preservation Board for 20 years.
He is married to Eileen Henry.
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