A while ago I worked on a film called The Reivers, which was based on the William Faulkner novel and starred Steve McQueen and…my dear friend the late, Rupert Crosse.
The film was about two car thieves..actually three, there was a young boy involved…who went on an odyssey and ended up, hiding out in a brothel. I played the maid in the brothel, although it seemed my only job was to answer the door to the “Gentlemen callers”. I would then show them into the parlor, where the “ladies of the evening” were sprawled on settees, etc, in various stages of undress, and the Gentlemen would pick one to spend the evening with. Also, I was to look after the young boy. As I said, I played the maid, but as you can see from the pic definitely wasn’t dressed like one.
I so loved working on that film, McQueen was wonderful, and Rupert was amazing…and was the first black male nominated for an Oscar…Best Actor in a Supporting Role. It was also wonderful working with one of my favorite directors, Mark Rydell.
My part was fairly substantial, although definitely not starring….rather a small “featured” role.. Therefore, I was not allowed to drive onto the Studio Lot, instead had to park in the big parking lot, next to the front gate.
One morning, as I exited my car, and started the “trek” to the sound stage, who should pull up, but….. Steve McQueen…. in his jeep. He asked me if I wanted a ride. I was a bit leery, in that I’d never ridden in a JEEP before, and …to me at that time, it seemed, maybe dangerous! But the sound stage was quite a ways away, and…wow…Steve McQueen was offering me a ride…so I got in…very slowly.
So began a tradition. Although I only worked on the film for about a week….whenever our call times matched, McQueen would pick me up at the gate, and drive me to the Sound stage. Maybe he did it for other folks in the cast, at different times, who were lowly featured or bit players, who were not allowed to drive onto the lot. Probably…he was that kinda guy.
There are many wonderful moments, memories from working on The Reivers, that Award-winning film with its Award-winning cast and director….and RIDING WITH MCQUEEN was among the best.
Riding with McQueen
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