Before we get started, please make a Gmail account at, if you don’t already have a Gmail account. Gmail is a free e-mail and workspace service created and run by Google. There are certain forms you can easily download and edit via Gmail throughout your time with PAL.
For a tutorial on creating a Gmail account, click here.
Google Drive
We will be using Google Drive, a free workspace service with your Gmail account. Your Google Drive can hold photos you’ve scanned or photos that live on your computer. Google Drive also stores documents from Word, Pages, and Excel, as well as PDFs and audio/video files. It also allows you to create and store Google Docs (like Word or Pages) and Google Sheets (like Excel). Using Google Drive allows you to put any and/or all of the above on your PAL site.
For a tutorial on using Google Drive, click here.
Google Chrome
Instead of using Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer, we want to use Google Chrome for our browser. It offers us a smoother use of our technology as we build our site.
To download Google Chrome, click here.