I was doing a show at a regional theatre.  They were in the throes of some kind of dispute involving the IA that had been going on for some time with some tensions. Our show was loading in and the electricians were, as normal, hanging lights, running cable and cutting color.  I was seeing to various details and was wearing what would be normal for me on a day of theatre tech work, a denim jacket with a tee shirt and work pants.  I asked for something from one of the electricians who was walking by and he said No! as he moved away.  I was astounded.  I’d had resistance from the crew many times but had never heard a flat footed No before.  So, at the coffee break I went back to the hotel and changed clothes.  I went back to work in a dress jacket, mini skirt, stockings and heels.  I got “Yes Ma’am” the whole rest of the day.  

A few days later, after several days teching the show, there was a break in the action and one of the electricians was sitting out at the tech table with me. We were just chit chatting. At one point he complained that he couldn’t wait for tech to be over, “I hate tech!” he said. Then he looked at me with eyes widening and said, “Oh my God! You spend your entire Life in Tech!”