In earlier days, when Richard Rodgers was still alive and still writing new musicals with other collaborators, the Rodgers & Hammerstein office required final casting approval for anyone in a leading role appearing in any major productions of their work. I had auditioned for and had been cast as Laurey in “Oklahoma!” being produced by Dallas Summer Musicals. Before the contracts could be signed, I had be approved by Mr. Rodgers. He needed to hear me sing.

Their office scheduled a meeting with him.

I remember, vividly, walking up to the entrance of their building at 598 Madison Avenue. I stood for a long moment, looking up at that address. I was directed to take the elevator to the 4th Floor. Arriving at that floor, I entered a spacious main office area. Tilda Stonburn, their receptionist, graciously welcomed me. She stood, walked toward and opened the door to Mr. Rodgers’ office.

He was standing in the middle the room and greeted me cordially.

The room had windows the entire length of the street side,  a seating area and coffee table to my right, and foremost … 
                a grand piano by the bank of windows. 

He invited me to sit, and after “chatting” for a moment or two, he stood, walked to the piano and invited me to join him there. I did and centered myself in the crook of the grand piano, facing him.  He began to play, “Out of My Dreams” ….  (This her most challenging song !!)

I began to sing.
 … At this point, memory fades.

I know he played and I sang through the rest of Laurey’s repertoire: “Many a New Day” and “People Will Say We’re in Love”.

As he rose from the piano, he must have said something …
As I prepared to leave his office,  I must have said something to him. I have no memory of those closing moments.

However, I do have this photograph of him, and in his hand writing, he autographed the photo me.
“For Suellen, Fondly, Richard Rodgers.”

Thank you, Mr. Rodgers.

Oh, yes. I was approved to play Laurey in “Oklahoma!” starring John Davidson, for Tom Hughes’s Dallas Summer Musicals.
