Benny from Total Recall



 As an actor you rarely get a look behind the veil of how casting decisions are made. As actors we assume that the most talented will get the part…but most of us know that so much more goes into that decision than just talent and ability.
I had a wonderfully funny and serendipitous opportunity to get a peek behind that veil during my experience with TOTAL RECALL.

How I got cast in TOTAL RECALL appears to be straight forward…my agent informed me, I had an audition for a movie called TOTAL RECALL. I was sent the script to read. However the day before I auditioned for T.R., I had an audition for another film (that will remain unnamed) with some of the most horrible Black stereotypes in it and it was a very disheartening experience. So when I began to read the script for T.R. and got to my characters description as Benny a Black “Jivester” I literally threw the script across the room! However, I was going to the audition, so I had to finish reading the script and it turned out to be a great character and I was looking forward to auditioning for it. 

 I didn’t really know who the director Paul Verhovan was when I went in for the first audition, nor did I know it was an Arnold Schwartzenegger project. The audition went well and the screen test with Verhovan went even better. So I was feeling pretty good about my chances of getting this. ( And I am not one to say that lightly).
However, weeks went by and I didn’t hear anything, one way or another. So I had my agents give them a call and we were told that an offer was “pending”. 

 So, here’s the point of this whole story…I end up getting the part …this is a huge deal! I’m on the plane to Mexico City, where the film is being shot…as I’m sitting in my isle seat, two teenage girls come down the isle and stop at my seat and say “you’re playing Benny!” Mind you I’m on my way to Mexico to shoot the film. Off of my confused look the girls said” We picked you! We’re Paul Verhovan’s daughters and he showed us all the final screen tests and we picked you!” And with that they continued to stroll down the isle of the plane.

Needless to say I was dumbfounded! 

 What a light bulb moment that was for me! 

 One never knows who has a say in your “casting destiny” !