Review Excerpts

“’MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM’ IS ENJOYABLE….Randy Kim’s Puck was one of the busiest and most appreciated actors of the night.”
               –Tom Simone, BURLINGTON FREE PRESS (8/9/1973) 

“GAUZY WINGED, FUNNY FAIRY TALE—MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM IS SUPERB….Randy Kim’s Puck is an imp; a naughty, teasing, tricksy, quicksilver, childlike creature to whom Oberon is a father-figure. Incredibly agile, Kim uses his whole body for comedy so that each little movement—shrug, droop, leap, tug, beckon—is laughable; his expressive face does the rest, and he keeps the audience in a ripple of laughter whenever he’s onstage. He’s the best Puck we’ve ever seen; he’s the essence of humor.”
               –Ruth W. Page, SUBURBAN LIST (8/16/1973)

“SHAKESPEARE AT CHAMPLAIN—AN UNMITIGATED DELIGHT….Puck, brilliantly played by the festival’s number one star, the young Korean actor Randy Kim. Holds all these strange and wondrous goings on together.”
               –William Gilbert, BENNINGTON BANNER (10/8/1973)

“Randy Kim’s Puck remains the most important performance both for its popular appeal and for the wealth of bits added to the role….I find Kim too big vocally and too clever an actor for this knavish sprite. I can’t help thinking that King Lear is lurking behind this Puck.”
               –Tom Simone, BURLINGTON FREE PRESS (9/6/1973)