Review Excerpts

“RANDY KIM PUTS POETRY INTO PLAY….Kim’s performance was well up to expected standards. He is a polished performer and, as he proved in his Mark Twain show, has the rare ability to hold an audience single handedly for an entire evening…Kim’s delivery was worthy of his material, and the overall result was a gripping performance that every present or prospective fan of Edgar Allan Poe would be foolish to miss.”
               –Walter Price, HONOLULU ADVERTISER (5/4/1969)

“I hesitate to employ superlatives to describe the ETA’s magnificent production, THE MYSTERIOUS EDGAR ALLEN POE. Those who have seen the production are capable of forming their own superlatives, and I urge those who have not seen this production to hasten to do so….If any mystery did surround Edgar Allen Poe, its shroud was ripped off last night by Mr. Randy Kim and Co. Poe the enigma became very much Poe the man. His very soul was stripped of all its veils and layed bare, bare before the audience to be viewed in all its multifaceted splendor.”
               –Bernard Bergstein, Reviewer

“KIM REINCARNATES POE WITH MASTERY….Kim’s recreation of Poe’s being, both in the flesh and spirit, is an awesome example of professional, creative theater. From the moment the mustachioed and booted figure skulks to his candlelit table of books, to the final collapse (death?) into his dark, black chair, the audience is enveloped by the soul of Poe…The theme of madness, in both Poe himself and in his works, is rendered exquisitely by the talented Kim. The interweaving of “controlled intellect”, emotive genius and demented mind is both cleanly etched and labyrinthine…Randy Kim is a past master at makeup…His ability was again demonstrated in his latex and greasepaint recreation of Poe’s face.”
               –John W. Donoghue, BURLINGTON FREE PRESS (5/1/1973)