Review Excerpts

“…and especially Randy Kim as Waitwell displayed fine comic talent.”
               –Raymond Vaught HONOLULU ADVERTISER

“Luckily, two of the actors have escaped the ‘porcelain’ treatment. Randy Kim is comic and thoroughly human as Waitwell, the servant forced to court an aging but still amorous dowager.”
               –Richard F. Smith, HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN (2/20/1964)

“The play does not pick up steam until the middle of the second act when Waitwell (Randy Kim) poses as a suitor to the aged man-hunter, Lady Wishfort (Jean Reid). Randy Kim possesses genuine comic talent and is refreshingly zestful, in pleasant contrast to the generally tepid performances of the ladies in the play…. Carole Hodgson and Bette Midler are amusing as two scatter-brained serving girls.”
               –Walt Wenska, KA LEO O HAWAII (2/25/1964)