Review Excerpts

“‘APT’S ‘TITUS ANDRONICUS’ VIOLENT, IMPRESSIVE’…In the title role, Kim plays the patriarch with a gripping, unabating, righteous passion, and a personification of old age so convincing that one an almost hear his bones creak….”
               —Rob Fixmer, THE CAPITAL TIMES (7/21/1980)

“‘GRISLY PLOT LEAVES CROWD SQUIRMING’…Kim is a superb Titus and he gives more depth in his performance than any other member of the large cast. We see him age with bitterness and sorrow as he goes from a returning hero to a man crippled by grief over the death of his family. Kim quivers with emotional pain as he speaks of his defiled and mutilated daughter and his wrongfully executed sons. He cries out, not only in voice, but in his very movements for revenge….”
               —Damien Jacques, THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL (7/21/1980)