Thank you letter re “EVERYMAN”

EVERYMAN is a British Medieval Mystery play; it’s not a who-dunnit, but these plays were about spiritual mysteries (always with comic relief characters).  EVERYMAN is probably the most famous, and still-powerful, play of this type, aptly portraying aspects of the human condition on Earth.

This production was performed by professionals in the beautiful sanctuary of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Manhattan.  It was an exciting challenge to be cast in the role of “God.”

Stage left on the chancel was a 15-foot-high platform where “God” resided.  As always, I love the evolving rehearsal process as well as the performances. This was a fun, hard-working cast and director and our efforts were well-received.

Rehearsing at home one day, I suddenly realized “I’m God. When we’re onstage, I am God. Whatever I say goes. The other characters have to do whatever I command.” I remember a devilish grin coming on as I thought “In a performance, I could say (from my tower) ‘Death! I’ve changed my mind! I don’t want you to go and bring back Everyman—let him live for a while!’”

I called another actor friend to tell him this amazing discovery! After I explained my newfound possibility, he said calmly, “Bill.  In this production, ‘God’ is a supporting character.  You’re not the lead character, ‘Everyman’ is.”  So my “God” had humbleberry pie for supper.

Also, this experience helped me realize, and still can remind me, that I, as a human being, am “one of the players,” not the Playwright or Director of this Great World Theater.  My role in Life, as it is in Theatre, is to do my part as honestly and faithfully and with humor as I can—which includes asking for and accepting help when I need it, and being of service to others. Thus in Theatre I may get to play “God,” which will be fun and sharing as long as I don’t “play God!”