WHAT DIFFERENCE CAN ONE PERSON MAKE?–Here’s a real answer:  The British-American Light Opera Exchange

1976 – First Production, in London:  “Western Trial By Jury” & “The Pirates Of Penzance”

1) Ian Finch, a talented & jolly Londoner, was temporarily transferred to New York with IBM. He quickly discovered the Village Light Opera Group and began performing with us. He then began saying how VLOG was so much like his home community group in London: The Philbeach Society!

2) Ian began voicing “Wouldn’t it be great if these two sister groups could do a production together?” Us: “Thanks, Ian.” “Nice idea.” “Pipe dream!”

3) Ian finally convinced Norman Keller (a VLOG powerhouse leader) that it was “how” not “if” such an undertaking could occur; next they managed to form a small committee to examine the details.


–TIME for community performers, techies, etc.–Answer: one group travels on their summer vacation;

–TRAVEL & ACCOMODATIONS (expense!)–Answer: Get group airline rates! And host group members put up visiting members in their homes (and all the hosts were also great tour guides!)

–CASTING & REHEARSALS–a) visiting group brings curtain raiser (Trial), b) each group rehearses music in own country, c) leads are split between the groups, with understudies of opposite group, d) discussion between techies on both sides of Atlantic, prework done by home group, e) each group creates own costumes (parcel ship via airline!), f) both groups (following brief selective fun stuff), rehearse for one week–also building sets, costumes, props, etc. (still finding time for ongoing fun stuff!), then

–PERFORMANCES–several last half of second week (ticket sales balancing production expenses)

5) The following year, the Brits invade NYC, happily!, bringing their own curtain raiser!

6) This results, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, appear during several double-year exchange productions/ performances /foreign visits!—results such as:

–several new jobs

–several new marriages

–lots of new international friendships

–lots of fun memories!

not to mention the additional business brought to –restaurants, –theaters, –museums, –airlines, –taxis, –wood & cloth merchants, –ice-cream vendors, –et al, et al, et al!!!

and all because Ian Finch would not give up his dream!  Ian—hear the thousands of voices happily shouting “Thank you!”

SO, remember this when you ask “What difference can I make?”  I always try to, now.