“Duanne Did Hollywood” was written after Valerie Charles, the creator of “Duanne” returned from an extended stay in Los Angeles.  Things didn’t go as desired, I think, and it was after a severe earthquake that she left L.A. 

 “Duanne Did Hollywood” is the darkest of the Duanne plays.  It would be easy to say that the darkening of the scripts and the character mirrored what was happening with the creator, but I don’t think that that’s true.   I think that it was more of a natural evolution of a character who was innocent, in the best sense of that word, at her beginning, but as she lived her life, on the page, she saw more and more of what life is like, the disappointments, the hard times, the victories and the losses, the relationships, good and bad, and all the time, time moving on. 

 I’m sure the plays partly reflect what was happening with the writer, but the character was so complete, so true, from her inception, that an evolution of the kind we’re talking about seems natural somehow, and real, even onstage. 

 As far as I know, there are no more Duannes after “Hollywood,” and if so, maybe it’s fitting that way.   A great, funny, girl.