Performing Arts Legacy Project

An online platform to document and represent the careers of older performing arts professionals

Roadmap – Unit 6

Unit 6: Enhancing your Grid: Highlights and Blogs

Highlights are special moments and events, often linked to a Mapping the Legacy grid entry, that show the viewer a snapshot of seminal moments in the professional’s career. They can include text, images, audio and video. We also refer to blogs as Highlights (a blog is a short essay, sometimes with photos, of a particular experience in your career.)

Click the headings below for more on the topic. To access videos, Contributor Manual sections, and more, please click on the red links found within the sections below.

  • If in a cohort of Professionals, share your blog.
  • Creating A Highlight
  • Linking
  • Connecting Highlights/Blogs to Your Mapping Grid
  • Download the app you will use to scan
    • Professionals and their Fellow may wish to share their login and password with each other so the Fellow can better assist in the scanning/uploading process.
    • Scan and upload 3-5 Images and save them to your computer (or flash drive).
  • Continue working on your Mapping the Legacy Grid (goal by now = 35 Entries)
Multi-Generational Interviews

The project has benefitted from an Intergenerational Component that matches a high school or college student with a Professional to conduct a 1.5-hour interview by phone/Skype/Facetime, etc. based on questions the student creates. These sessions are not recorded and are confidential. We recommend reaching out to local schools and forming a relationship with a specific teacher. For groups, the students and their teacher can then select salient moments from the interviews and create a script, culminating in a panel with the PAL Professionals and their student “Legacy Seekers,” either live or remotely, at the end of the term.

Have any questions or concerns about this week’s session or material? Please share your thoughts using the form below.

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