My first show at Inner City Cultural Center was WEST SIDE STORY and, unlike my Dallas experience where I was a singer in the chorus, this time I was Maria! The cast included many who were in the early stages of their professions and who went on to illustrious careers: Cinque Attucks, Susan Batson, Emilio Delgado, Jose DeVega, Tony Geary, Robert Ito, Annette O’Toole, and Adolph Caesar, among others. WEST SIDE STORY was directed by Lonny Chapman, choreographed by Talley Beatty, with Costumes designed by Betye Saar, all outstanding artists in their fields.

Correction: This should’ve read: Virginia Wing as Maria in WEST SIDE STORY with Lee Clark Champion.

The Hollywood Reporter, October 13, 1969, page 12. “West Side Story, Inner City Cultural Center, by James Powers. 1969

Los Angeles Times, undated, Inner City Stages ‘West Side Story’ by Dan Sullivan, Times Drama Critic. 1969

Daily Variety, October 13, 1979, WEST SIDE STORY (Inner City Cultural Center; $5 Top) by Edwa.
A scathing review above in Variety by Edwa. (who didn’t seem to get the point of cross-cultural/racial casting, who hinted that pitting Caucasian or Latino actors against Black actors would have made it easier to tell who was a Shark and who was a Jet) got this reply from Dan Sullivan in his LA Times review: “For those who complain that the Jets and Sharks are hard to tell apart in this all-integrated production, let it be pointed out that so are the Montagues and Capulets.” Ha!
Others in the cast include: Ron Castro, Lee Clark Champion, Tony Colby, Tony De Costa, Jacquelyn Dubois, Eddie Eastman, Murphy James, Jeanne Joe, Bradjose, Candy McCoy, Sheila Marion, Michaela Mattox, Ruby Millsap, Mina E. Mina, Conrad Parham, Arlene Parness, Eileen Ramsey, Linda Sugars, Fred Weiss, and Wendy Wright.
To read more about my years at Inner City Cultural Center, click here.