Performing Arts Legacy Project

An online platform to document and represent the careers of older performing arts professionals

Meeting Virtually

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  4. Meeting Virtually

Whether you are part of a virtual cohort or are meeting up with your Fellow between work sessions, meeting virtually might be a safe and/or convenient option for you. Below are some resources on virtual conferencing.

Click the headings below for more on the topic.

Using Zoom

Video tutorial on basics on using Zoom for PAL

Download Zoom to your Computer.

Please Note: There are a few options on how to download Zoom.  When you download Zoom, click the “Download” button under the “Zoom Client for Meetings” heading. You can download Zoom to your mobile or tablet, but for optimal viewing and accessible engagement, using Zoom on a laptop or desktop is recommended.

Using Google Meet

To meet with your Professional or Fellow, the person hosting the meeting will need a Zoom Pro account if you plan on meeting for more than 40 minutes.

A free option to meet outside of class is use Google Meet. The only requirement for Google Meet is that you have a Gmail account. Google Meet is similar to Zoom and is also recommended if between class you’re having issues with your Zoom.

Video tutorial on using Google Meet

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